Patent No | Application No. | Application Date | Registration Date | Name of Invention |
No. 0145394 | No.1997-0007891 | 1997. 04. 16. | 1999. 02. 12. |
Hearth roll featuring excellent durability for heat furnace of hot rolling |
No. 0421128 | No. 2001-0069119 | 2001. 11. 07. | 2004. 02. 20. |
Radiant Tube in Annealing Furnace System |
No.0320304 | No.1999-0021744 | 1999. 06. 11. | 2001. 12. 27. |
Heat exchanger for Radiant Tube |
No. 0322855 | No.1999-0017535 | 1999. 05. 17. | 2002. 01. 18. | Hole construction of long axis |